Biography for Dr. Jack Cuozzo

Dr. Cuozzo is an orthodontist who practiced in Glen Ridge, NJ for 33 years. He has been married to his wife Diane for 38 years; they have five grown children and fourteen grandchildren.

He prepared for his career through studies at Georgetown University (biology major, philosophy minor) with degrees from the University of Pennsylvania (DDS) and Loyola University/Chicago Graduate School of Dentistry (MS, Oral Biology; Certificate of Specialty in Orthodontics). He also was a Lieutenant in the United States Navy serving as a dentist aboard the USS Enterprise (CVAN-65) for eighteen months. He and his wife Diane became Christians in 1975.

In 1977 he studied philosophy in Switzerland with the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer. In 1979 he embarked upon an original study of Neanderthal fossil specimens with the aid of the late Wilton M. Krogman, Ph.D., professor at the University of Pennsylvania, known as the Father of Forensic Anthropology. Dr. Cuozzo's paleontology studies have been conducted in the Musée de l'Homme in Paris, the British Museum in England under Christopher Stringer, the University of Liège in Belgium, the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem, the Museum of Prehistory in East Berlin, the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., the Field Museum in Chicago, the Peabody Museum at Harvard University, the paleontology collection of Southern Methodist University and the Paleolithic caves in Southern France.

He is known for taking the first cephalometric (orthodontic) radiographs in history of the Neanderthal fossils in 1979 in France and subsequently in the other museums mentioned above. He has also been involved in prehistoric cave research explorations. Dr. Cuozzo was an adjunct professor of biology at the former King's College in Briarcliff Manor, NY. working under Chairman Wayne Frair, Ph.D. He taught at New York School of the Bible, Calvary Baptist Church for four years and was the Chaplain for the New Jersey Nets professional basketball team for five years.

Dr. Cuozzo's publishing efforts have included three articles in the Journal of the New Jersey Dental Society, one article and one editorial review of his work in Creation Magazine. His research was featured in a cover story of the Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal in 1994. His other articles were in the Creation Research Society Quarterly and Bible Science News. Some of his work was included in The Creation (series editor- Josh McDowell; Here's Life Publishers Inc.), and he appeared in the movie series, Origins - HowThe World Came To Be . Some of his research is included in The Illustrated Origins Answerbook (edited by Paul Taylor, 4th ed.; Eden Productions) and in a front-page article in Acts and Facts (24:7, July 1995) .

He is the author of Buried Alive (Master Books, 1998), a research and adventure book concerning his studies of ancient man and Biblical revelation. He has written a chapter in In Six Days (1999) with 49 other scientists and has written a chapter in When Christians Roamed The Earth (Master Books 2002), Captured Alive (Pleasant Word Publishers, 2003) and a chapter in a soon-to-be-published, secular research book on Neanderthals from the Museum für Vor-und Frühgeschicte in Berlin, Germany. He has made approximately one hundred and fifty radio programs on Christian and secular radio and has been interviewed on CBN television. He has done radio interviews with Dr. D. James Kennedy on Truths That Transform and Janet Parshall's America.

Dr. Cuozzo debated Dr. Alan E. Mann, Chairman of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania on April 20, 2001 at Westminster Seminary outside of Philadelphia. Dr. Mann has refused to allow the videotaped event to be distributed, listed in the Westminster catalogue or sold to the public. Dr. Cuozzo has sought legal advice to try to liberate the tapes but with no success. No further action is contemplated.

He was a member of the American Association of Orthodontists and American Dental Association for thirty years. He has been on the Mountainside Hospital Medical Staff, Montclair, N.J. since 1969 serving as head of the orthodontic section and Associate Director of the Dental Department for two years. He was recently elected to the emeritus staff. He also served on the Medical Staff of St. Barnabas Hospital in Livingston, NJ in their Cleft Palate Treatment Center.

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